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5 main types of Teapot: Advantages and disadvantages
There are many types of teapots in the market now. Once you type the ‘‘teapot’’ keyword in Google, you can receive a million results. I know it is di…
Green Tea's Benefits and Side Effects
People in Asia have used green tea for thousand years ago. Nowadays, people around the world use green tea daily as it has enormous health benefits. …
Side Effects Ginger Health Benefits
Ginger is one of the most popular spices and herbal medicine in all over the world. For thousand years ago, ginger has been used to treat the common cold, flu-like symptoms, headaches, aid digestion …
Health Benefits and Side Effects - Mint Leaf Tea
Mint leaves have been used as a digestive aid thousands of years ago in ancient Egypt, Greek, and Romans. More recently Mint leaves, mint tea and me…
50 Tips To Lose Weight Fast
Tips to lose weight fast only involve changes in habits and can help eliminate up to 6 kg per month. I have noticed that most people who want to lose weight fast always choose to start with some diet…
The Top 13 Reasons To Reduce Sugar Consumption
The reasons for reducing the consumption of sugar is enough you consider. For Sugar (sucrose) is a very acidifying substance and therefore its use sh…