Blueberry is one of the richest food sources of natural antioxidants. This fruit has high amount of oxygen radical absorption capacity (ORAC). Orac is a measure of food’s ability to neutralize free radicals and protect the body from ageing. The ORAC level in 100 gram of blueberries is 4669 Mol Te. Our body need about 5000 Mol Te ORAC per day. A glass of fresh blueberries smoothie can provide you ORAC level that your body needs in a day. Besides, the protective antioxidants in blueberry do not change when we frozen the fruits. So we can use fresh or frozen blueberry to make smoothie in all year round. In this post I list my 3 simple and fast blueberry smoothy recipes. These recipes are easy to make and good to your health.
Blueberry and yogurt
Serves for 2
- 1 cup of fresh or frozen blueberry (150 g)
- 1 cup of vanilla or plain yogurt or 1 cup of milk
- 1 tsp of honey
- ½ cup of ice
How to do it?
Blend at high speed. Serve immediately with mint leaves. Yogurt contain high amount of calcium and live bacteria that are beneficial to the digestion. Live bacteria in yogurt can protect against harmful gut bacterial which cause food poisoning.
Blueberry and Strawberry smoothie
- 1 cup of blueberry fresh or frozen (150 gr)
- 1/2 cup of strawberries (75 g)
- ½ cup of milk
- ½ cup vanilla frozen yogurt
- 1 whole strawberry for decoration
- Fresh mint leaves
How to do it
- Place strawberry and milk in blender
- Cover and process for 10-15 seconds
- Add frozen yogurt and vanilla to blender process 10-15 seconds
- Garnish with whole strawberry and mint leaves
Blueberry and raspberry crush
Blueberry and raspberry smoothie is tasty and can protect you from the ravages of free radicals.
Serves 1-2
- 1 cup of blueberries (150 gr)
- 1 cup of raspberries (120gr)
- 1 cup of plain or vanilla yogurt
- ½ cup of ice
- 1 tsp. of honey
How to do it
- Wash and hull the fruits
- Put them both into a blender and blend until smooth.
As blueberry and raspberry contain lots small and hard seeds, the smoothie can be quite dry and hard. You can add or reduce amount of yogurt and honey as your taste too. Garnish with fresh raspberry and mint leaves.
Here are three simple and healthy blueberry smoothie recipes that you can make it everyday within 5 minutes. I hope you find something interesting in this post. And let me know what do you think about these simple recipes? What is your favorite blueberry smoothie recipes? I would love to know your favorite blueberry smoothie recipes too.
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