Maximize Lemon Water Health Benefits

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Maximize Lemon Water Health Benefits

Lemon water is one of the most popular healthy drinks in the world.  People use lemon water as a natural de-toxic drink, remedies for cold and flu-like symptoms, aid digestion or other usages. For centuries lemon water has been known for it amazing health benefits. But at the beginning I did not know how to use lemon water effectively, when can I have it and what are side effects when drink too much lemon water. As a result I got a little trouble when I drank too much. Today I want to share with you my story and my questions about lemon water, how I use it and what trouble I had with this lemon water. 
1.     What is nutrient in a glass of lemon water?
One lemon yields (3 tsp.) lemon raw juice contains 21,6mg of vitamin C (36%), 1 % of Thiamin, 1% of vitamin B6, 6.1 mcg  Folate (2%), 9.4 IU of vitamin A, 0,2 gram of fiber and 1.1 gram of sugar. A reason why lemon water is often used in weight loss process is one glass of lemon water contains less than 25 calories.
2.    How to make lemon water?

All you need is glass of lukewarm water and not scalding hot. Warm water will help your body process lemon juice easily and with less energy than making it with cold water.

Squeeze ½ a fresh lemons organic if possible for a glass of lukewarm water. Remember do not bottle lemon juice.

3.     How many cups of lemon water I can have in a day?

If you weigh less than 150 pounds, you can squeeze half a lemon for a glass of water. If you are over 150 pounds, you can use an entire lemon into water and drink it twice time in a day. If you tend to drink more than one glass of lemon water, you should increase the lemon water slowly and gradually. But remember that an amount of daily intake vitamin C, recommended by World Health Organization, is 45mg/day (about 2 lemon yields or 6 tablespoon of lemon juice) for healthy adult. 

With me, I weight around 55 kg, I usually use 1/4 of lemon to make warm lemon water every morning 30 minutes before breakfast. As I eat lot of vegetable and fruits so this amount is enough with me. Consider carefully before using lemon water everyday. Remember to calculate the vitamin C you can intake from lemon and other sources as it lead to vitamin C surplus. The surplus vitamin C can cause the dental de-calcification and lost of calcium. If you want to take more lemon water or vitamin C, you can ask your doctor for the best result.

4.    When can I drink it?

You can have a cup of lemon water in the morning before breakfast as a detoxification drink. The lemon water can clean your liver, kidney and de-toxic your body. If you drink lemon water in a daily time, remember to drink it 30 minutes before meal to help your body get most of nutrient and energy from a food.

5.    What are side effects of drinking too much lemon water?

Normally lemon is safe to all of us but when you drink too much lemon water means intake too much vitamin C to your body. After that you might have some uncomfortable detoxification symptoms such as headaches, fatigue or these negative effects:
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Possible dental decalcification (i.e. softening of the teeth).
  • Increase estrogen levels
  • Renal colic (i.e. kidney stones)
  • An infant born to women taking high doses, rebound scurvy ( when the child was exposed to too much vitamin C from the mother before birth, and the child might not have enough vitamin C after born.)
  • Further, vitamin C can interfere with some drug treatments, like cancer treatment. 

I didn't have detoxification symptoms but de-calcification because of drinking too much lemon water. When I drank more than 3 cups of lemon water in a day for 2 weeks, my teeth started to be softened and my gum was in very bad condition. I did not recognize the problem until I visited dentist. My dentist said my teeth problem was caused by drinking too much lemon water in a short time. For not falling into that mistake, you should consider before increasing the amount of lemon water in a day. And ask your doctor for your suitable amount of lemon water you can have in a day.

With me the best amount of lemon water is 2 cups per day. But sometimes I only drink one cup of lemon water in the morning and skip a daily time. I usually eat a lot vegetable which is a rich source of vitamin C too. For that reason, in someday I will not drink too much lemon water to keep my vitamin C intake about 45 mg per day or a little bit higher.    

In most cases, I still love lemon water for its taste and many health benefits. I try to keep drinking lemon water in my diet and especially in the morning for good health and better skin.  As my experience, the more you know about lemon water, the more benefits this drink can bring to you. In some case, you can ask your doctor for the good advice. Do you drink lemon water daily? Do you have any trouble when you drink it too much like me? Share with me your story and your experience; I would love to learn more about this amazing drink. 

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